Plymouth Monthly Meeting
Indigenous Working Group

 Meeting treaty

Penn Treaty Wampum belt     Plymouth Meeting House 1708 - envisioned by Richard Moraux

After a year of study and discussion within our group and with some of the indigenous peoples here in the Delaware Valley and beyond our group we would like to share some of what we have learned with our Meeting and wider community. We will strive to post an article in the newsletter each month. The website indigenous page will continue to be added to and kept up to date on news and issues of our indigenous neighbors.

This month we would like you to think of how differently the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (North America) divide periods of history from those of us with European linage. Below are some examples from the web page: History Through a Native Lens . Go to the link for a very informative and detailed history from the 1500-present. The table below is only a snapshot. Click here to go to History through a Native lens.

Indian History